The Uncommon Path
"The Uncommon Path" is a podcast that intimately explores the transformative journeys of individuals, featuring raw and unfiltered testimonies that celebrate the resilience, growth, and shared human experiences, offering listeners a source of inspiration and connection on their own life paths. Join us as we unveil the extraordinary stories that shape who we are.
The Uncommon Path
Behind the Mic: Season 1 Recap and Our Podcast Future
Join us this week as the guys take time to reflect on the podcast and talk about what the future holds.
here we are again, boys. Well, that's not really that music never was my strong suit what do you think?
Speaker 3:Do you like music? Yeah, I'm a music guy. Yeah, I like music, I like listening, I like playing Trombone, trombone. Yep, well guys how's it going?
Speaker 2:It's midsummer, it's been good. We're in the basement catching up. It's like 10 o'clock at night. We're just chilling and we're doing some reflecting on season one.
Speaker 1:A little precursor to season two and a little reflection on season one.
Speaker 2:We got Warren here. Hello, usually behind the scenes, warren.
Speaker 1:Bristol. Warren, bristol, the man, the myth, the legend, the guy who does all the leg work. He literally does a lot of leg work in the gym too.
Speaker 2:And arm work, not as much leg work as I should Chest work as well.
Speaker 1:Chest work. I would love, chris, if you would kind of share the vision of what you felt, like the lord said, for this upcoming season, and then we'll kind of go around and just kind of share, maybe, thoughts that we have, um that kind of reflect on what we've done and kind of where we're pushing towards, and then maybe just um like highs and lows or pros and cons of um what we've tried and what we've done, from each of us Um yeah, love it, yeah.
Speaker 2:So I was praying about the podcast, just reflecting on season one, asking the Lord about season two, and the verse that popped into my head was the last verse from Gospel of John. Into my head was the last verse from gospel of john, last, yeah, the last, the actual last. Verse 21, 25. Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. And I think what it made me think of is you know, we've there are so many things that God is doing in lives all over the world, let alone just in our community, and there's just no way that we could tap into all of it. Tap into all of it, and I think we have, you know, kind of the same tension that we feel sometimes is producing this podcast, making this podcast.
Speaker 2:John felt writing down the gospel, his gospel, like there's so much that God's doing, like what should I put in here and what should I leave out? That God's doing, like what should I put in here and what should what should I leave out? And, um, yeah, I mean I, if we'll have eternity to go through all the stuff that God did, but here we're bound by time, so how do we steward that time Well and how do we uh curate the, the testimonies that are, that are in our um, in the people in our community, the people that we're in touch with? That we feel like would be a good fit for this podcast. So that was really it, and I had never thought about that verse really all that much Other than, oh, it's like a cool way to end a gospel, but actually I think that John probably had was obviously led by the Holy Spirit, but maybe he had some tension of like gosh, what do I? Do I put that in there? Do I leave that out?
Speaker 2:So I think we walk a little bit of that, as people you know, in this podcast as well yeah, I think that's so beautiful.
Speaker 1:When we were taught, we were dialoguing. The three of us were earlier talking about that verse in particular. I think what's fascinating is that I think, like, as we were we talked earlier what you said in the past where it's like it's such an honor to be like sitting with these people who have this incredible story and it's almost like having a what did you say? It's like almost having a front row seat to what God is doing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this was Annie's podcast. I said that and I think you actually summed it up beautifully as well. It was like we gosh I wish I had the sound bite, but it's something about like we're privy to God's masterpieces almost like in a art museum, was the image that is lingering in my mind that's not right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that sounds, that sounds right. I know, sitting just sitting over there off in the corner through many episodes it is, it's a front row seat to what god is doing. And, like I, I know I've seen it on you, I've seen it on ryan, I've seen it on even the guests. Sometimes, as these testimonies are coming out, like I'm just getting overwhelmed, I'm getting struck, I'm getting hit new and fresh, like God's power, god's goodness, his graciousness, his mercy and his love. And, having walked with the Lord, I would think I would get numb to it, you know, and sometimes it feels like I do, but I don't know. When it's a real person who's had real struggles and has seen real breakthrough, and they're sharing that specifically in person, it's really powerful. And I mean I'm sure it's just as powerful listening to it, it's powerful to hear other people's testimonies.
Speaker 2:It makes you resonate afresh with your own, almost when you hear, I can't.
Speaker 2:It's kind of like it's similar in nature to like listening to a comedian who's putting something that's so true. In a way that's just like you're laughing because there's so much truth in it. But it's like the same. It's this, it's that same resonance of like somebody sharing their testimony and talking about what god did for them, and it's like that's so true. I've lived that, I, that's my experience, or that's my. You know, I've seen that or felt that or whatever, and so the emotion comes out in those moments and your and your description of it being like a canvas art.
Speaker 3:I think that's, that's perfect, cause it's like each, each testimony is just this little, a little bit of color here, and then a little bit of color here, and then I can imagine, after I don't know a thousand episodes, like you see, this beautiful portrait of all of the characteristics of God, and it's really cool.
Speaker 1:I think what's been really cool too is, I think I mean, I'd be willing to say every single guest either.
Speaker 1:Maybe they didn't come super prepared, but they had an idea of what they wanted to share and then, like the Holy Spirit like took them in a different direction, and I think that was I think that's been super cool to see, because even I can't remember who it was maybe it was Craig where he's, he's like I literally am, just like I'm, I'm, I'm starting to like put things together, because I'm saying it this way, or communicating this Like they're, they're almost getting their own revelation as they're sharing their story, because it's like a way that the, the Holy spirit, is kind of like directing the conversation. I think that that has been really cool about this podcast is that I was, uh, I was in the impression that we're going to interview this story that they've rehearsed, or that they have shared a million times, but nine times out of 10, it's like they're saying, wow, I didn't even know I was going to go there and it actually flowed better than if I would have just done something that I normally would say.
Speaker 2:Well, I think it helps to have a guided conversational style, like we're kind of listening and trying to draw it out of them. Some people do a really good job of just laying it all out there and some people it's easier for them if you draw it out with questions and stuff. But but yeah, to your point.
Speaker 3:Like annie brought her laptop, I don't think looked at it one time yeah, yeah, you know, it's just like flowing so, and I think that's a testament, just to like the spirit is on, is on, like what we're doing, like he's, he's speaking to you guys to ask questions and I know I've I've heard it said many times.
Speaker 3:I feel like I'm supposed to ask you, or I feel like I'm supposed to say this and yeah, um, yeah, it's, it's a you're talking to. Chris was talking about stewardship, like it's what a beautiful gift and opportunity it is to steward these stories and get them out to for everyone yeah, yeah, it definitely feels like like stewardship is the right word.
Speaker 2:It almost feels like we're handling like treasure, yeah, um, and want to be delicate and thoughtful with it like you would be with your own wealth or your own gifting or something. It's like these are people's intimate moments. Ryan, you were asking, I think or maybe it was you Warren, earlier like what's your favorite, some of your favorite highlights or whatever, and one of the moments that sticks out to me a lot was Jasmine's podcast, like 10, 15 minutes in and she just drops some serious truth and like yeah, you know, very vulnerable, and that was one of our earlier podcasts, I think too.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And it was. You know, we were still getting our feet under us a little bit and gosh, she just went for it and it, it was like very visceral feeling like, oh man, this is something that is powerful in this moment, yeah, something that is powerful in this moment yeah and uh, and then the feedback came later, you know weeks later feedback starts rolling in like hey, that was, that was freeing to me, that was this. And so that's for me when it kind of clicked as to, okay, there's, there's some breath on this.
Speaker 2:And uh, that was really cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that breath on this and uh, that was really cool. Yeah, that was uh. Yeah, I, I completely agree. I think, yeah, it was just very powerful that she went there and wasn't intimidated or like like her story just I don't know just it helped set the tone for kind of like others to go there.
Speaker 3:I think afterwards it definitely set the tone, and I think I mean you guys are also just getting really good at providing a space that's allowing people to just authentically share stuff that they might not share, and probably the the this, the setup facilitates that, but people have permission to just let it all out and share the power that the Lord has done in their life and the way that he's worked, and it's just not something that you're going to get in an everyday conversation or in even a 20-minute conversation.
Speaker 3:in a even a 20 minute conversation, you know it kind of takes that time to get, to really get there, and I think that's the beautiful thing about this. You know, this podcast is giving people space to really dive deep into their testimony. Even people that are are not professional speakers, but you can tell like they've've they've shared their story plenty of times it's like who was? I think it was trog, that it was like, I think you you made the joke like 10 minutes in and said oh, that was a great podcast because he shared yeah, he could just go and and he's, you know, he's, he's an amazing communicator, uh.
Speaker 3:But then to really okay, that's, and there's a lot of power and being able to efficiently communicate that, but then to really okay, that's, and there's a lot of power and being able to efficiently communicate that, but then to unpack and go through and okay, what's the heart behind it and yeah yeah yeah, that's been fun, is like.
Speaker 2:So trog was obviously an excellent communicator and does it professionally and that he's a discipler, right. But then there was some hidden, or some not hidden, but surprising, surprisingly excellent communicators. I think of um elizabeth jackson yeah just like okay yeah, like you're a incredibly incredible communicator like yeah, just like precise thoughts and clear um just kind of tone and everything like that. I was just really well thought and I don't know. I thought that's cool. Yeah, what was your heart was some of the ones that stick up to you?
Speaker 1:yeah, I want to know what you're it's your most emotional or your biggest highlights? I'm trying to think.
Speaker 3:I can't remember whose it was. There was one. I got really emotional.
Speaker 2:I remember you getting emotional at Nancy's.
Speaker 3:Nancy's.
Speaker 2:You did get emotional at Nancy's. I almost said that, but I couldn't remember for sure, I think it was Nancy's, I think, when she was telling the story as a kid.
Speaker 3:Yes, that's what it was. She said who are you? And when she dropped that bomb, saying who are you as her revelation of who God is like, who are you, that you would do this, I was like whoa, Overcome by, I think, just the power of the Lord in that moment. I was like whoa.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:What were some of the most memorable or funniest parts?
Speaker 3:Remember COVID.
Speaker 2:That's a blooper.
Speaker 1:That's on the B-roll. It's not officially on it. Hint, hint.
Speaker 3:Chub out. That's on chub out.
Speaker 1:Warren has a blooper reel that's a blooper reel as well that's in the thing, I think that's in.
Speaker 3:Jasmine's what?
Speaker 1:oh, no, roll humps, that's what I'm thinking roll humps that was hilarious that had me my favorite, I think the hardest I've laughed probably ever was when I made that yeah that was really that lord of the rings.
Speaker 3:I don't think it translated as well in parker's.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and parker's that that, like that, made me feel so uncomfortable and cringy and it made me laugh so, so hard.
Speaker 2:That was the sound of pure silence after that joke landed.
Speaker 1:And then Warren's like head shake of disdain.
Speaker 3:That's one where, if we had video, that would have been beautiful.
Speaker 1:That would have been so perfect.
Speaker 3:Because you could have panned to your expectant, hoping for laughter like the joke's going to land. I could just go to each person and just see the blank nothingness.
Speaker 2:It wasn't even like a bad dad joke where there's kind of a grown.
Speaker 3:It was a bad joke.
Speaker 2:It was just like we're just in stunned silence and I can see it on Ryan's face.
Speaker 3:He looked at Parker. He looked at Chris. He looked at me Begging for affirmation somewhere.
Speaker 2:Strike one, strike two, strike three.
Speaker 1:It did not hit I was trying to make the Lord of the Rings reference and it did not hit. I was trying to make the Lord of the Rings reference and it did not land. Did not land well at all.
Speaker 2:The ghost hunters thing for Carly. Oh, that was really funny. That was very funny for me.
Speaker 1:You're right, that was super funny. That made me laugh really hard.
Speaker 3:Speaking of video, we might be trying to start a video with the upcoming season TBD.
Speaker 1:That is something we are trying, and when I say we, I mean Warren right is. I will see if it's possible going to execute it and do the research.
Speaker 2:Which brings up an interesting thought in that maybe we should have some kind of dress code for people that For people that wear white t-shirts you mean Inside out white t-shirts that are usually dirty. Maybe they wear a hat that has bottle caps on it that maybe somebody that's not even in their life made for them.
Speaker 3:I think Trog Didn't Trog roast you Because your haircut was not Someone roasted your haircut?
Speaker 1:No, I don't think so.
Speaker 3:Maybe it was Thomas, I remember someone was, I'm sure someone did.
Speaker 2:I just don't want us to lose listeners.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's enough of a rabbit trail, guys.
Speaker 3:You know my grandfather always said the juiciest carrot leads to the best rabbit trail guys you know, my grandfather always said the juiciest carrot leads to the best rabbit trail.
Speaker 2:Oh hey, save this for the professionals.
Speaker 1:One, and I watched it it should have shook my head there we should do a t-shirt with that it should have shook my head there. We should do a t-shirt with that. That is a great idea. Merch um, we talked yeah, let's talk about what our ideas are for this coming season. Do we want to briefly talk like how this podcast started? We kind of went into that in a couple of episodes, but sure we can tell the story and then if it doesn't make sense here we can edit it Always edit it out.
Speaker 1:That's a great idea. Yeah, we can edit it out.
Speaker 2:We can always edit anything out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we can do anything.
Speaker 3:We can definitely edit it out. Collective.
Speaker 2:We collective we it's a the king's we just like that. Just like that it's just a snap. I mean with ai technology. Now this is pretty easy on warren nvidia computer chips. I mean it's pretty much doing itself like the little jester in the king's court.
Speaker 3:Go, jester boy make me laugh.
Speaker 2:Edit, go hit it. No, okay, this the story. The story. I think it came up at some point.
Speaker 1:But we can.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it did, but I do think it's for the listeners that haven't heard all the episodes with, this is hopefully going to be a shortened one. This podcast started well. The origin of our podcasting started, uh, as a goofy fantasy football podcast that Ryan and I did on our iPhones and it was 98% silly goofiness and it had just like we had what a 12 team fantasy football league and of those 12, maybe seven or eight listened to the podcast.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Two of those were us. So, we had a listenership of about five people outside of us five to seven. Yeah, not too many, but it was super fun to produce and we enjoyed every minute of it.
Speaker 1:Oh, it was a blast.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was a huge blast blast, yeah, it's a huge blast and uh, then that kind of. We were kind of in a lull where that wasn't happening outside of fantasy football season and, I think, independently, we both felt the nudge from the holy spirit to do a podcast. I remember, um, just not necessarily like any kind of clouds parting word or anything, it was just a. I felt like, hey, would it be cool, it would be really neat to do this. But it had meaning, like spiritual meaning, not just not just goofing around, which was fun, um, and I think I just called you out of the blue one day and said, what would you? You think about that? And you were like kind of blown away because you had felt that right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was sitting on it for like a couple of months of being like man, something's burning in my heart to do a serious podcast, like a spiritual podcast about testimonies, and I was like man, that would be really cool. And I was like man, that would be really cool. But I never reached out to you because I was like, well, one podcasts I feel like serious podcasts are kind of low-hanging fruit. Everyone does one, two, that's probably just something I want to do. And then three, I was like Chris has no bandwidth to do that. He has five kids, basically owns his own business, like there's in the middle of a remodel, like there's no way you have capacity to do that. So I didn't reach out. And then when you said that, I was like Holy cow, like the Lord's definitely in this Cause, I would not have reached out and I had been. That's been on my heart for like a while.
Speaker 2:So and I had been. That's been on my heart for like a while so, and then so we got some counsel from a friend to just try 10 of them.
Speaker 1:We kind of had a vision, kind of loosely formed um we put some feelers out for like someone to produce it and warren, literally mutual friend of ours had all the equipment, all the setup and was just like yeah, I'll do it yeah, ryan called me.
Speaker 3:It was like hey man, um, would you produce a podcast for me? And um, you know ryan was like best man at my wedding, one of my best friends, dear dear. I was just close to his family, babysat his kids, and then um didn't hear from him for three years and then he called me and said hey man, you want to produce a podcast? I was like, ah, finally I an excuse to hang out with my used to be best friend yeah anything oh my gosh, how much of this is true. All of it.
Speaker 2:You were his best man at his wedding.
Speaker 3:I was there were two best men In his defense. I did get married and had a kid very quickly.
Speaker 1:And I had, you know, some children.
Speaker 3:And Ryan had a few more children and you stopped going to our life group and Ryan kicked me out of his life group.
Speaker 2:Wow, We've recorded 25 episodes and I did not know this. I just wanted to hang out with my friend again, it just never came up that you're just like trying to scratch trying to scratch and claw your way back into ryan's good graces through working like a slave on this podcast.
Speaker 1:It's so weird is that how your feelings get hurt when you want to hang out afterwards and I say I gotta go. Um, um, long story short, warren is the hero of this.
Speaker 3:Hey, ryan, you doing anything else? Oh, you got to go. Oh, okay, yeah, no, me too. Yeah, I got to get home. Yeah, I got to.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's funny.
Speaker 2:You and.
Speaker 1:Chris hung out two hours after I left, but I thought you said you had to work Okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I just need to probably edit the podcast. Anyway, I've got a lot of stuff to edit out. I'll just go do that.
Speaker 1:Oh gosh Wow.
Speaker 3:I had no clue. He did ask me and I did reactively just said, yeah, I'll do it. But I also tend to be a yes man. But then I prayed about it afterward I was like, should I really do this? And I was like, yeah, I felt like I got a little yeah, you can do this. Yeah, and now I get to see Ryan, I have a friend back at least for a couple hours every tuesday afternoon for a couple hours every tuesday afternoon oh gosh, oh, all right, where were that?
Speaker 3:was the vision. Talking about how to hit the origin of the podcast.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, but apparently the banter is. I get a lot of positive feedback about the banter I love the banter.
Speaker 1:But yeah, I've gotten more positive feedback from the banter too.
Speaker 2:I'm getting requests for additional banter, so this is basically a pure banter episode. So for the people, who like the banter.
Speaker 3:This is basically a pure banter episode. So for the people who like the banter, this is your one about 10 vision and 90 banter, all right.
Speaker 1:So there's a lot of talk on people wanting to hear our stories ah, there is.
Speaker 2:Um, we just got a little dark part of warren's, but but yes, brian, you're correct, like some said. Hey, we want to hear more about you. And Chris Sorry, my dog is drinking out of the toilet. I'm pretty sure somebody left the door open.
Speaker 1:Hey, this is real I can edit that out.
Speaker 2:Just another, just another notch, if you guys want a polished podcast.
Speaker 1:hey, that's not real life. Your life's not a polished podcast, so get over it. This is real life.
Speaker 2:So should we do an episode on you, an episode on me? Should we do that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I've kind of wrestled with it. I really want. I mean, I like kind of wrestled with it, I really want, I mean I, I like the idea of doing that. But I also I don't want to just share my story If I think what's hard and we talked about this as like we only have so much time and space to like do this, and I love hearing from other people's stories so much that I almost don't want to like fill in the gap of a different story.
Speaker 3:the people have spoken they want to hear your story, right yeah, I mean, I'm totally yours too, chris fine with it thanks thanks, um, yeah, we're still just be a matter of like, because there's been talk of who like. Do y'all just interview each other? Is y'all and your wife interview?
Speaker 1:that's kind of the I think what, what's, what is tricky is it's powerful to have somewhat of lack of history when you're interviewing. I felt like that with Thomas's, because I know Thomas super well. You didn't know Thomas very well and it was cool that you were asking the questions for the most part and doing the digging for the most part, because he was able to authentically share most of his journey.
Speaker 2:We interviewed each other yeah, I think one of the roles we play is almost like a proxy for the listener and that we, if we get real-time reactions and emotions- yeah um, there's like a I don't know.
Speaker 2:I think it just makes for better content yeah so, yeah, interviewing somebody that you know super, super well might in one sense be kind of cool because you can go surgically right to this stuff that you think would be great to talk about. But, um, you may lose some of that authenticity in the reaction. And maybe you have one person that's both kind of like you and me. With Thomas, you knew his story pretty well. I didn't, so maybe if I interview you we get somebody who doesn't know you as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Like maybe Warren who oh, you're his best man, One of his two best men. Best men, I thought I knew ryan apparently not. Sounds like he has some catching up on things, but yeah, something like that no, yeah, and we're still.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think that that was well put. So we're trying to figure out who would be, how that dynamic would go. Yeah, um, but yeah, that is something we're open to, for sure so more banter more banter um hearing from y'all so yeah from us hearing from us um, we also talked about um a lot of the first part of season one was connections we have within our church body and kind of our own friend circles, trog and Thomas, I I guess I would throw Nancy in there too, even though we know who nancy?
Speaker 1:is more, but I feel like those were some that kind of branched off from people in our circles don't know who they are, and so we kind of want to branch out with a little more with people that not all of our friends know um who they are. So we're thinking maybe um half and half Um yeah. I think it's tough cause we have a lot of people we know who have incredible stories, Um, but we also want to kind of branch out and invite others that the Lord highlights to to be on.
Speaker 1:So that's something we want to do.
Speaker 2:I think it gets back to that scripture, just like there. We could just make hundreds or thousands of episodes of just God's stuff he's done in people's lives, and that would be great.
Speaker 2:And I think we have eternity to worship the Lord for all the cool stuff he did in everybody's life. But there is an element of curating it and kind of bringing to the forefront some of the stuff that's, you know, unique and diverse and um may resonate with with people on this format like podcast is a is a format that's good for some things and not as good as other other medias for other things, but uh stuff.
Speaker 2:That translates well, I guess, is what I'm trying to say, and yeah and I think another thing we've already got some teed up is just, like you know, origin stories that aren't the the cleanest. You know cleanest stories of how people started following the lord, like yeah some, some stuff where people are kind of getting pulled out of the mud a little bit, and I'm excited about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, same.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:So that and video we want to. By the end of season two or during season two, we want to explore and experiment with what video looks like, maybe post on YouTube as well. In addition, and then we heard Warren, you said you heard from like three different big podcasts. What did you say? How many does it take to get into your rhythm?
Speaker 3:Yeah, three different podcasts in totally different realms. It's all said they feel like they finally hit their stride around episode 100,. All said they feel like they finally hit their stride around episode 100, which is exciting because I feel like there's already such a great stride now. How much better is that going to be at 75 episodes from now and just the ability to steward the testimony, draw out the gold and do it authentically?
Speaker 1:within the time that we have. It's just going to get better and better. Yeah, so I think loosely we talked about the goal to get to 100 would be in season three, if the Lord continues to bless this.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean we're all busy, we've got lives and but you know, trying to keep rolling with it because it's got that holy spirit wind underneath it. As long as it's got that, I think we'll we'll keep on trucking.
Speaker 1:so we meant to start this podcast off with a thank you, but we didn't. But we do want to say thanks to everyone listening. How many downloads do we have for it?
Speaker 3:uh, I think it's around 2 000 it's over 2 000 in, I believe over 100 countries wow that that is so cool.
Speaker 2:Yeah, did not expect or predict that.
Speaker 3:It's fun to watch each episode, Because some countries okay, I kind of know who that might be, but other countries just pop out out of nowhere, Like how did you hear about this? There's Egypt. There's just random countries, random cities. It's really cool to see.
Speaker 2:Very cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think we're just super gracious or grateful Not gracious, but grateful to the people who have listened and have offered feedback.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know about you guys, but I love, like it's very encouraging when people say, hey, this has been cool or it encouraged me or you know was edifying or whatever. Because it does take some effort and you know, we do a lot. We, we do a lot.
Speaker 3:It is. I've gotten a lot of feedback too, people just being thoroughly encouraged, and I mean that's the feeling I have sitting on the couch over there just listening. It's like it's both encouragement, sometimes it's motivation, sometimes it's like it just stirs me back. It's like I said, if I'm feeling one or two degrees off that day, I hear the power of the Lord working and. I'm driving home like fired up for the Lord man that is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that totally resonates with me. There's been so many times where I'm like sitting here and I'm like either not having faith for what we're about to do or I'm just not feeling it. Having faith for what we're about to do or I'm just not feeling it. But, man, when I hear someone's story, I'm just like man. I feel so humbled to be here and so encouraged by the Lord to just hear part of what he's doing in someone else's life. We've had people share on here that don't feel comfortable like sharing their story or airing it, and it's like such an honor to be able to yeah, even, even the ones that are unreleased.
Speaker 2:Yeah, to be in that room yeah, like it's, it's really beautiful have you guys had like just been having a conversation with somebody and thought I gotta send you this podcast, that of this that we did like so many times I've, you know, had that happen? It just happened to me the other day. I was listening to a guy. He's in ministry and he's just like I just I don't know where the finances are going to be and I just feel like the Lord's calling me to just jump out in faith. But it's scary and I'm thinking this guy's got to listen to Thomas's podcast.
Speaker 2:He's doing he's about to do, or in the middle of doing just what Thomas just did a year ago, and you know, if he did it for Thomas, he'll do it for you. It's kind of my thought process so I'm able to kind of share, and it's really that's been a cool tool to be able to oh, super cool just kind of share with people stuff, and I mean my kids have listened to certain ones and been blessed by that and yeah, it's kind of a neat as a resource almost uh-huh, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it absolutely is. It's been right. Yeah, it is. It makes me feel weird. It's like, should I recommend my own podcast? But like there's so many times I encounter hear someone's story and I'm like you really should listen to this episode, like I don't even want to tell them that I do the podcast because I want them to hear the episode.
Speaker 3:It is funny Sometimes people don't recognize the voices, like I've gotten the feedback that, oh, I didn't know that was Chris, or I guess Ryan's voice is a little bit more distinguished, but like, oh, I didn't even know that.
Speaker 1:Probably just a little more masculine or something, I think it's just a little bit odd.
Speaker 3:No, it's not that, didn't even know that, probably just a little more masculine or something. I think it's just a little more odd. No, it's not that.
Speaker 2:It's not that, it's something else.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure it is, but I remember that happening.
Speaker 2:I was just having every man's voice.
Speaker 3:It happened with Karis, with Jasmine's. I know we already talked about Jasmine's episode, but Karis, my wife, I wife, I was like hey, you should listen to this. And she was like totally wrecked and encouraged by just her, her vulnerability, vulnerability and her story. And and she knows Jasmine, she like has spent time with her and talked to her. So even in, even in relationships that are already, you know, there and strong, like there's just that much more depth completely accessible.
Speaker 2:I mean, I learned stuff about people I'm pretty close to as well. I learned stuff about ryan I mean yeah same like it's pretty wild, but how often do you really sit down and talk about your story for 45 minutes or an hour in your life? Yeah, I mean, trog does it right, because that's what he does but, like most people, don't have a ton of those opportunities. You maybe have a lot of smaller opportunities or, if you're in a discipleship relationship, it comes out over time, over weeks, months, years.
Speaker 1:But to just sit down and share your journey for an hour is like a fairly uncommon thing I uh, I guess, as a closing thing, I really would love for all the listeners to just be praying over this podcast and over us. We, we three met earlier today and, and, um, we were just talking about how we truly want to be a steward um with what God wants to do with this. This is something that he placed on our hearts and gave us the outlet to do it, and, um, we would just love to ask you guys to partner with us by praying over it and asking that it would reach people who need to hear the stories and that it would be impactful, because, I mean, we just feel like this is what God wants us. To spend two to four hours a week doing, which I would say to all of us is kind of precious time, and, warren, you spend more than that probably editing a lot of this.
Speaker 1:And so yeah, I would just say yeah, if y'all could be praying, that would be a huge blessing and we're super excited to see what God does in season two.
Speaker 2:A little note if you come on the podcast as a guest, you get free hummus and pita.
Speaker 1:Also.
Speaker 2:So long as we have it, and tea.
Speaker 1:And coffee.
Speaker 3:Tea is a big part of it. We used to get espresso, but I think I ruined that.
Speaker 1:Chris got a little stingy with his espresso Warren and Ryan ruined the espresso.
Speaker 2:I will not get out their espresso machine for them anymore. I might get it out for a guest, even Holly. Just a little bitterness still about that. Who did thatrew's asking who put the protein powder in the espresso?
Speaker 1:ryan was that you everybody. Unbelievable andrea, listen, he put creatine in there too I'm gonna tell the story.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna tell the story. I'm like hey, let's have some coffee. Anybody want coffee?
Speaker 3:I got some you I had my espresso machine out.
Speaker 2:It usually stays below the countertop in the cabinets. I had it out, I had made some. I was like who wants an espresso? Holly's like I would love an espresso if you're making an espresso. And then Ryan and Warren were like, yeah, and then it came out mid-making the espressos that it was going to be an Americano, which I thought, okay, well, I can make three Americanos, four Americanos, on an espresso machine. I could have just brewed a pot of coffee, which is what an Americano is, effectively. But I made four espressos which they all proceeded to put hot water in. And then Warren puts protein powder and creatine in his. What did you put in yours, ryan? Oh, ryan thought, hey, that's a good idea, didn't you do it too?
Speaker 1:No, I did not. You put something in. I didn't put anything in there. Cream and sugar, coffee mate. I don't think I put creamer in there. Maybe I did not, you put something in.
Speaker 2:I didn't put anything in there. Cream and sugar, coffee mate.
Speaker 1:I don't think I put creamer in there.
Speaker 3:Maybe I did Expletive here.
Speaker 1:Regardless, I tainted your view on espresso Of you as a person.
Speaker 2:Andrew is dropping wisdom over here saying the only thing that you should pair espresso with is a side of dark chocolate.
Speaker 3:Americanos are delicious folks, it was the best cup of espresso I've ever had. It was really good, yeah with your chocolate flavored creatine flavor really, I could just tell it was really good espresso really came through. There's something wrong there, warren there's a lot I gotta get that protein, man gotta carry all these mics and equipment around.
Speaker 2:Chris will help me set it up, but uh, I'll have a lot of extra time if I just make coffee instead of Americanas, at least you're providing something Ryan just shows up.
Speaker 3:Warren, are you good? A lot of extra time if I just make coffee instead of Americanos.
Speaker 1:At least you're providing something. Ryan just shows up. Warren, are you good to hang out after?
Speaker 3:this I gotta go home actually.
Speaker 2:We're gonna land the plane.
Speaker 1:Guys, be prepared for season two.
Speaker 2:We'll see you on the next rabbit trail. That's not a star. All right, let's have that rose, do it. Thank you.